My 19 mo LO used to be the greatest sleeper, always followed routine, and was constantly in good spirits and congenial. Now he's always cranky, throws tantrums hitting his face into the floor, wakes alllllllll through the night crying, won't let me change his diaper or take his temperature and wakes up 2 hours earlier than he used to. I don't know what is going on....I know he has only 6 teeth, 4 on the top and two on the bottom, so he is a little behind with the teething development. He has had a low fever (btwn 100.3 and 102) for the past 3 days. Also,he is not eating as well as he used to or should be. Even though he is miserable during the night he always wakes happy so i can't tell if he is sick or not. This is his schedule:
7-8 wake
8 bottle
9 breakfast
12-1 nap til 3:30(i have to wake him)
6 dinner
7 bath
8-8:30 wind-down
8:30-9 bed
He hasn't slept well through the night for months but he naps very well almost every day. Any thoughts?