DD is nearly 2 and has always been a good sleeper - when she was tiny we used to put her down on the mat and she would just fall asleep when she was tired! Over the last 6 months she has not been settling properly in the evening.
We have bath, story, bed and put her down awake with her security blanket and thumb, which always used to mean that she would sleep until 7am. She started crying out after 15-20 minutes about 6 months ago, we would go and give her a quick cuddle (a couple of minutes), put her down awake and then she would settle until morning. Although this was a bit of a nuisance, it wasn't that big a deal so we didn't think it was a problem. Recently, though, one cuddle has not been enough to settle her and we have ended up going back to her more often. This evening we had to go to her 8 or 9 times and it took nearly 1.5 hours to get her to sleep.
We have tried various things to try to stop her fussing - cutting her lunchtime nap (she sleeps between 2 and 2.5 hours), putting her to bed earlier, putting her to bed later - and nothing seems to make any difference. To make matters worse, because she is taking so long to go to sleep, she is often overtired which means that she is waking early in the morning and her behaviour is often bad because she is so tired.
Would WI/WO solve this problem? I am getting fed up of going back to her over and over, and I am concerned that she is going to start disturbing dd2 (2 months) who is not the world's best sleeper.
I would really appreciate any advice.
TIA. Clare