I'm desperate..my 19m old dd has been waking early on and off for a very long time - I don't know why she is doing it but I am certain she's tired during the day as she is very grouchy on and off and extremely demanding and I just cannot cope with it anymore on the amount of sleep I'm getting.
her day looks like this : average 5.30am wake-up, bottle at 6am and breakfast 7.30am, dinner 11.30-12pm, then bottle and nap for about an hour, tea at 5pm and then supper at 6.30pm, bath, bottle and bed for 7pm - sometimes she has snacks during the day but she can usually take or leave them - yesterday she refused to nap at all so by 4pm was a complete troll. we have taken to leaving a bottle in her cot and if she has this, sometimes she goes back to sleep but sometimes not and not very often later than 6.45am. On the days when she has loads to eat, she doesn't sleep any later...she has been teething lately but she has been early waking for ages now - anyone any ideas, I'm open to anything!