My 2 yr-old DS is normally a good sleeper but since pre-school in September his sleep has gone way off track. He's had about 4 viruses and now has penicillin for a mild ear infection.
He goes down (seemingly) then moans out and we go in and say it bubbies time. We repeat this over a 1 hr period sometimes and it can happens more than once a night.
Trouble is DH and I are getting sick too and worn out ! Our 9 mth-old is also getting woken up.We've tried leaving him and he swould fuss/moan for hrs ON HIS FEET !
Could he really be O/T ? He naps 1-3pm most day and is in bed (to curb the increasing O/T) by 7.30pm (asleep). A teacher at pre-school just suggested moving bedtimes to 9pm ! Whilst I don't think that is our fix maybe a shorter nap could be ?
Any ideas ? This is probably the toughest time we've had since DD came along................
Booo hoo.