Author Topic: Nestle Good Start and MSPI  (Read 1683 times)

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Nestle Good Start and MSPI
« on: November 26, 2008, 14:44:46 pm »
My DS is MSPI and just been weaned at 8.5 months. We supplemented with Nutramigen for a while with great success, but it is very expensive. Has anyone fed their MSPI baby Nestle Good Start successfully?  It's not cheap, either, but it costs less than Nutramigen.  We are currently spending about $75 a week on formula and hoping to cut that back.
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Re: Nestle Good Start and MSPI
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 18:40:45 pm »
May I ask what country you live in?

I have tried Nestle Goodstart.  It did start to clear my son's eczema, but he was even more upset on it in regards to his tummy and diarrhea.  I think it may just depend on the child.  I have a feeling it may have cleared up some of my son's eczema, but I'm assuming it wouldn't get rid of it all.  He was only on it for 3 days.  I say this because I have also done Alimentum for 1 month, and though it helped to diminish his bad eczema, it didn't get rid of it all, nor his congestion.
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Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Nestle Good Start and MSPI
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2008, 19:50:14 pm »
Personally I have never ever had success with Nestle Good Start.  It is different in other formula's because the milk protein is 100% whey protein (which is supposed to be easier to digest), also they take the proteins and partially break them down.  Still contains lactose in the formula.

If it was me, I would not change a thing.  You finally got him feeling good.  Check out E-bay.  I have bought tons of formula off there and so have other mothers. 

Any time you go to your Ped, ask for samples.  They know how much it is. 

Just think in about 4 more months, you can wean him to rice milk or maybe even whole milk by then.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

Offline Eden&Connor'sMom

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Re: Nestle Good Start and MSPI
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2008, 20:44:42 pm »
I live in the United States.  Too bad about the Good Start. We wouldn't be considering this at all, but my husband was laid off recently and I'm looking to save money whereever I can. Since my son is milk and soy protein intolerant, lactose isn't an issue. The Nutramigen works for my DS because, while it does contain milk protein, the proteins are broken down into small enough pieces to digest. This is what Nestle Good Start claims as well, hence my question.

Anyone else have any experience with a baby who is MSPI?
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Offline Mydreamcametrue

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Re: Nestle Good Start and MSPI
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2008, 00:01:45 am »
I totally understand about saving $, my DH loses his job January 30th :(  If you ever need to talk about the stress of it all, PM me.  I am there, we are even having to sell our house.

Nestle does claim to have the proteins partially broken down, not hydrolyzed like Nutramigen.

In this case then, all you can do is try, you know.  Give it a full week before you say yes or no it is not working.  Nestle is MUCH cheaper than Nutramigen.   

Who knows maybe he has outgrown some of his issues and can handle this now. 

In your personal case, I would deft. try then.  You will know within a week if it was a mistake or not.  If so, then all you have to do is go back to Nutramigen. 

Since you DH was laid off, would you qualify for WIC or anything like that?  I have no idea how it works, but something to look into.  They would supply Nutramigen at no cost

BTW, Where are you at???
Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!