I started solids when dd was 4mths. In the beginning she ate it. But suddenly she refuses it. For about 3 weeks now I can not get her to eat solids. She'll eat some, mostly the baby desserts. I usually make things that are subtle like sweetpotato, carrot and brocolli, or butternut and chicken, but she dont want it. She just pinches her mouth shut and i have to make her laugh to get a spoon in. After 4 or so she's fed up. I am trying to give her fingerfoods which she does ok on. I think she's not interested in food yet coz she always finds something that distracts her, be it her feet, the arms of the seat, whichever. I try to give her twice a day, morning and nite. She's has a bit of stuffy nose. Could this affect her taste maybe? Or is she just a fussy baby?? Ds did great on solids and never had any issues so this is a first for me. Getting frustrated and worried its going to b hard to wean her.