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Offline nagillim

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Eczema and latex/food allergies
« on: December 04, 2008, 22:57:24 pm »
Hi all,

DS is 8 mos and has had eczema since 3 mos (before that he had a rash which I thought was baby acne, but it spread to his scalp and body and finally my DR diagnosed it as eczema).  We got it cleared up with antibiotic cream and cortisone and tried eliminating all kinds of things from my diet (he is BF) such as milk, soy, eggs, etc.  I didn't notice enough of a difference with those foods gone to justify continuing the diet as I found it very hard.  I did notice however that acidic foods trigger his eczema... tomatoes, berries, citrus, and coffee.  These make his face flare up and he gets bad gas as well.  I thought it would have been dairy but when I re-introduced it I didn't notice a dramatic effect... also kept having that annoying problem where I'm ready to introduce something and he has a reaction to something else the night before so he's all rashy anyway!

It was manageable for a few months but... now he is miserable again.

He has had it bad for the last 3 months now again -- seems to flare up all the time and he is obviously uncomfortable, scratching where he can and worst of all, NOT SLEEPING since the end of August... wakes up constantly and we have been trying to sleep-train (Pu/Pd) but it has limited success because when he is flared up, he is too uncomfortable to sleep.

I want to have him tested but I keep hearing that he is too young for traditional allergy testing. I took him to a Naturopath yesterday and she too said he was too young... she recommended a calendula cream and said I should go off dairy, soy, eggs, corn, wheat, citrus, acidic stuff, AND sugar for 3 weeks and see if that helps (that might actually kill me though!)

He did have a severe reaction to Avocado last week (first time I've offered it); he got hives all over his chin, neck, and face, and the rash spread to his trunk.  I have been reading that this can be linked to a Latex allergy as well, which makes sense to me because I thought once he got a rash from my daughter's soft plastic bib and I wondered... my mom has mild latex allergies so it would make sense.

It occurred to me that when he rashes on his face it could be a reaction to chewing on something latex, like a soft bath toy, that sort of thing.

So I'm wondering... anyone have exp with latex allergy, or avocado family allergies, and do you think I it would be worth trying an elimination diet again? The thought of that right now makes me want to curl up and cry but on the other hand, I am so sleep deprived I want to curl up and cry anyway...

So sorry this is all over the place but I am sleep deprived and I just feel so sorry for my little guy, want to help him feel better, and don't know what to do next.

Thanks in advance...  ??? Sarah

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Re: Eczema and latex/food allergies
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2008, 01:20:10 am »
Hi Sarah:

We also went to a Natropath doctor and they really do believe in food elimination, which I think deft. can help, but what she is suggesting is pretty extreme to me.  Personally, I never had the will power to limit my diet to continue nursing.  I really applaud people that can do it. 

When you were cutting out dairy, did you eliminate all hidden dairy also? 

The latex, deft. could be the problem. 
Here is a post that I did with a reference sheet I got from our allergist.  It says that there is a 35% chance that if you are allergic to latex, that you may also be allergic to avocado, banana or kiwi.

I am not sure if I have a true latex allergy, but I cannot wear latex gloves and anytime after having s*x with a latex protection, I would be very bothered by it.  Also Banana's make the root of my mouth burn. 

I would do some research online about latex allergy.  That really good be your answer.

If it was me, I think I would check into this before the diet first.  When you do the diet, I would start with milk and soy first.

Also have you been to a dermatologist?  We just went yesterday and she gave Tyler a steroid cream and a very strong antihistamine that makes him sleep. 

We had allergy testing done at 9 months with both of my kids.  Our allergist sees patients as young as 6 weeks old.  The test at anytime can give you false negatives or positives.  Personally though I think it would be worth checking into.

Can you post some pics of his skin?

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!

Offline nagillim

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Re: Eczema and latex/food allergies
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2008, 05:44:51 am »
Hi Wendy,

Thanks for the reply... I did eliminate all dairy in the past, and it was not fun. I don't think I can handle such a diet again at this point, esp on top of sleep deprivation... it's hard enough just to eat!  Besides I was expecting to see a dramatic improvement without the dairy, if that was the culprit, and I couldn't say for sure that it was.

I will make an appt with my Dr and try to get a referral to an allergist. We've got steroid creams and good moisturizers but it would be helpful to know what to avoid... for now I'm on the latex hunch and I have quarantined all toys, cups, etc. that have latex on them and we'll see if that helps (though I suspect his mattress may have some in the foam?).

Thanks for the allergy cross-ref chart, that is interesting.

Posted some pics... poor little boy was just miserable today! I should add too he scratches his ears until they bleed (inside the ear and out), and rubs his eyes so much I sometimes swaddle him just to get him to stop.

Hoping for a decent night's sleep...


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Re: Eczema and latex/food allergies
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2008, 05:46:07 am »
I should add he has the rash like on his arm all over his body - back, legs, trunk.  :'(  But face is the most troublesome, and neck.

Offline nagillim

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Re: Eczema and latex/food allergies
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2008, 05:50:15 am »
Also wanted to ask, Wendy, if you had tried OTC antihistamines, and if they were successful? We've given him Benadryl or Reactine a few times when he was out of control itchy, and it did seem to help somewhat, but not dramatically. Do you find the prescription ones are better?

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Re: Eczema and latex/food allergies
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2008, 13:43:23 pm »
*Hugs*  Poor boy, those pics brought tears to my eyes literally!  He looks soooo sad!  The rash on his cheeks looks like how my sons always started when he ingested something he was allergic too.  It usually occurred within 24 hours.  My son got tested at 13 months and it went well.
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Re: Eczema and latex/food allergies
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2008, 17:02:01 pm »
Oh gosh it looks very similiar to Tyler's, but your son's seems a little more red.

We were told a rash at this age is normally linked to an allergy.  Most common Milk and Eggs and then Peanuts, Wheat and Soy.

We tried an OTC antihistimine, Zyrtec, and it did not really help. 

The doctor just prescribed us a prescription antihistimine and I have already noticed and improvement.  His legs are starting to clear up, his belly is clear now and his face is improving.  We are also doing the steriod cream.

That is deft. an allergy to something.  I would get a referral as soon as you can.  You really need to rule out allergies.  Is there anyway you can call the company that made his crib mattress and ask about latex? 

Be back later, Tyler wants down from eating.

Wendy -

Zach - 3 1/2 yrs old. My sweet, loving, gentle boy that loves playing in the dirt!

Tyler - 17 months.  My very very spirited little boy.  Can't turn your back for a minute.  He is doing the cutest things now!  Loves to eat and climb!