Author Topic: Feeding routine for 6.5mos  (Read 895 times)

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Offline Mumma Minz

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Feeding routine for 6.5mos
« on: December 08, 2008, 01:59:57 am »
Hi yummy mummy's,

My LO is 6.5 months and I have a few questions about my routine. I've just started solids so I'm very new to how much and when he should be eating. I also want to know if I should be giving him breastmilk first. As I can see alot of mums give breastmilk first, then wait an hour or so and give solids??

5.30... A (stays in cot and coos, might go back to sleep...)
7.00... E b/f
7.30... A
8.30... S nap (1-2 hours)
10.30.. E 3/4 teaspoons cooked carrot and sweet potato
11.00.. E b/f
11.30.. A
12.30.. S nap (1-1/2 hours)
2.30... E 3 teaspoons of rice cereal and 1 teaspoon of pear or banana
3.00... E b/f
3.30... A
4.30... S nap (45 minutes)
5.00... A
6.30... Bath (this could be a 6.00 bathtime if he doesn't take the afternoon nap)
7.00... E b/f
7.30... S
10.30...E Dreamfeed



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Re: Feeding routine for 6.5mos
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 13:16:19 pm »
Hi Melinda

I think your routine is fine.  As your lo is still young and your are bf, offer milk first and then solids to maintain your supply.  BM/formula is more important for babies than solids until 12 mos.  By 9/10 mos some moms switch the order and offer solids first. 

Have a look at this to give you an idea how other moms are doing it. and


Offline Mumma Minz

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Re: Feeding routine for 6.5mos
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 02:49:17 am »
Thanks Mimi!

He has just stopped having longer naps at almost 7 months...I'm thinking he needs more food, as he is going down at all the same times, unless he is needing more activity. He use to sleep a good 2 hours in the morning, now he is only doing 1.15 and the same at lunch 1.15....

I've got my first blocked milk duct so I probably should start offering the milk first so he can drain them properly and too up my supply.
