Author Topic: Picky eater with geographic tongue  (Read 3778 times)

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Offline clare33

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Picky eater with geographic tongue
« on: December 09, 2008, 15:31:34 pm »

I just wondered if anyone has a lo with a geographic tongue and how it affects their eating.  ???

My lo has this, he gets red patches on his tongue which change in appearance every day and it flares up for a few days at a time usually. I used to think they were mouth ulcers until his uncle said he'd been diagnosed with it so I got lo checked out.
It doesn't usually cause him any problems, it doesn't cause any pain but lo does seems to be very picky at times and may go through a whole day without eating much - these are usually the days when his tongue appears to be very patchy. He goes off some foods for a few days too which is frustrating because he has a limited diet as it is.

Just wondered how other lo's and parents deal with it.


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Re: Picky eater with geographic tongue
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2008, 23:38:21 pm »
My DS has a geographic tongue and although he is not a picky eater, some foods do aggravate him, like spicy or acidic food.  Days when he's 'patchy' we have to avoid alot of fruits or fruit juices as they do tend to give him a stinging/burning sensation.  I do believe it can also cause numbness occasionally so maybe that could put him off wanting to eat some days? 

How old is your lo?  can he tell you what sensations he's feeling?

It has been suggested that geographic tongue could be due to a Vitamin B deficiancy, although this is only speculated and doctors currently don't know for certain what causes it.
Nina Lou

Offline clare33

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Re: Picky eater with geographic tongue
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2008, 11:03:37 am »
Thanks for the reply, my lo is only 18 months so we only know when there must be some discomfort when he doesn't eat his favourite things, he sometimes pulls faces too!  I have noticed that he goes off most fruits and I've been told to avoid pineapple when his tongue is patchy. So does your lo tell you how he feels? It must help when you know.

Do you supplement you lo's diet with any vitamins? 
