Hi ladies
We are approaching 12 months and I'm trying to figure out how to handle the switch off formula to cows/goats milk and the process of dropping bottles vs solids.....
Our routine atm goes roughly like (cos we are in the nprocess of dropping to 1 nap)
07.00 wake-up
- no longer having bottle first thing unless really hungry on wake-up, instead offering a drink of water
07.30/08.00 Breakfast
- large handful of wheat cheerios/ cube of fruit puree and porridge plus toast/bagel served with cows/goats milk in a sippy - he's taking around 50 ml
10.30/11 ish formula before am nap - is taking 8oz
am nap now varying between 2.5 to 3.50 hours (
wowzer!) so lunch is currently after this nap
2.30 ish lunch
- will eat well at lunch, 2 cubes of home made Annabel Karmel style recipes, finger foods like a chicken goujon/sandwich etc, plus fruit and yog
3.30/4.00 offered 2nd bottle - is reducing his intake on this cos close to lunch I guess, down to about 5 oz
5.30/6.00 dinner - this is where I am struggling, he won't take much more than a snack - refuses to be spoon fed, throws most of what I offer on the floor, will take rice cakes, some fruit maybe a 2nd yogurt/fromage frais
7.00/7.15 formula - varies between 5 to 7 oz
So my question is, I think I should be favouring solids over milk now and I'm thinking about switching his pm milk to cows/goats in a sippy with a snack instead - that way he may eat more dinner too.......
what do you think?
I am also thinking that I may never give him cows/goats milk in a bottle, I may make a double switch IYSWIM...but at the moment he won't "drink" from a sippy cup - he just sips.....kind of an obvious statement!
Input would be much appreciated!