Stacy, when you were helping me before the 4 hours before bed worked really well. But that was with a 45 min first nap. Since then it doesn't seem to be working. Also if Lyle sleeps til say 4, he still seems really ready for bed at 7:30 so I put him down, and that hasn't been going well. Not much seems to be going well huh
But, now that I think about it it might be because he got over 2.5 hours daytime sleep. He would have had 2h40m 20 in the AM 2h20 in the PM, I thought it would work out OK both those days because the naps ended at 3:20? Guess I was wrong. But Like I said he was ready for bed by 7:30, so I also thought it ended up OK.
OH, but also the other day he had something like 45 min in the am, then it took him FOREVER to go down for the second nap so he napped 2:45-4:15. I woke him at 4:15. He was cranky and what-not, wanting to go to bed before 7:30 so in bed 7:22 and it took him 50 minutes to go to sleep. He wasn't crying or anything. Just rolling around.
Started fussing at 4:45 AM (very brief wake up)
went back to sleep
Brief wake up again 5:00.
Up for the day at 5:15.
So that day didn't have too much daytime sleep. So I'm guessing I let him sleep to late in the day? Since he wanted to go to bed by 7:30. And the A time wasn't long enough....
Or.... I'm just thinking about it to much and it is what it is