I know I am probably AP by doing this but my lo has never really slept through the night, and if this works for us over the hols, I will do it just to keep my sanity! Anyway, I have started giving the last of ds's night bottle in his crib, just so he finishes it (easily distracted and would probably NEVER finish just to avoid going to bed!!). He usually goes to bed between 7:00 and 7:30 depending on his pm nap. However, he has been waking anywhere between 3 and 4:30. I used to try a million different things to get him to go back to sleep, but he would just keep waking until it was finally time to feed him. SO, I have caved and started giving him a bottle at that time, which means I can crawl right back into bed and get some sleep (DH does the EW shift!). Ds is almost 1 year old (my how time flies when you are tired!) and I am just worried that I am creating a really bad habit by feeding him in his crib. He CAN go to sleep without a bottle, and I have tried just using water, but that doesn't work. He drinks mostly from a straw sippy during the day. He eats really well for all three meals, and usually drinks between 24-28 oz during the day. Are his teeth going to rot and fall out if I keep doing this???