have you figured out what the average amount she seems to sleep in a 24 hr peroid? I find mine will only sleep about 10 hrs so i have to figure out bedtime from that..
I also am confused as what to do with my son. he just turned 26 months and we have been going on and off sleep issues for over 1 month now. He is teething getting his last 2 top molars but they are all the way cut threw now, one is just about 1/4 way through and the other is about 1/2 now...... i don't know if that is just the cause of our night wakes or what?

but....this past week alone it's been 4 nights that we had night wakes, none at the same time nightly? With those nights that he wakes he needs me to lay beside him to fall back to sleep or he just cries. It ususally doesn't take him long to fall back to sleep but i guess just wants the secure feeling of having me there, then he will get up around 6:45 for the day. ( which is a sleep in!!!)
I went by A times since he was about 2 months and it worked like a charm, but now that he is 2 i have tried clock times as it seemed A times weren't working and his need hours of sleep was changing again leaving me confused. Some days it seems to work and not others.... Do you think it's just his teething that is causing him to wake??? or OT???
He normally wakes between 6-6:30, nap at 12:30 ( anywhere from 1hr 15 min -2.5hr) bed 8pm. if he napped less then 1.5hrs i make sure he's sleeping by 8pm and if he napped longer then 1.5 then i get him ready at 8 so he's sleeping way before 8:30.
could yours be teething too???
sorry i'm not much help but i wanted to let you know i'm going crazy too