My DS, almost 22 months, got really sick this past week. I have AP'd him to sleep for all naps/nights, NWs and EWs. Had had a high fever of 104F and was throwing up and coughing up a storm. Also, due to family obligations over the holidays, he has had some really late nights and I think he is getting totally OT. Anyone who has followed my previous posts, probably knows that my DS is very sensitive to OT and changes to his routine. We have worked hard to get him on the routine that he is on and to get over months of OT due to teeth and starting with a new child minder. His routine was:
6:30 wake
12-1:30 nap
7pm bed no NWs except maybe 1 time per week
My questions are, how do I get him back to falling asleep independently?So I wait until he has fully recovered? He still has a cough but no fever. WI/WO makes him totally crazy as he thinks I am coming to pick him up and it is a total tease for him and GW just makes him stay awake to keep checking that I am there. Are there any gentle methods that work for spirited toddlers?