Thanks charm. At the mo our routine is something like this (we're on a 4h EASY). We haven't quite got back into the swing of things yet since returning from Singapore on the 29th.
E: BF upon waking, say 7am
A: Playtime
E: 2 tbsp mixed-grain cereal with 30-40ml EBM
A: Playtime. Wind-down once he starts showing signs of sleepiness
S: Usually asleep by the 3h mark.
E: BF at 11ish (usually waking him from his morning nap)
A: Playtime
E: Lunch - varies; at the mo he's having about 2 tbsp of solids here as well (he's had chicken, veg and rice, salmon, parsnip, spinach. He's also tried some finger foods like rice cakes and fruit).
A: Playtime
S: This is where our routine gets a little loose. Generally the timing for this goes by his cues and how long his morning nap was. If he did fall asleep around the 3h mark, I suppose I would have woken him again for a feed close to 3pm, but he'd get more if he fell asleep earlier.
A: From whenever he woke up
E: BF usually around 3pm
A: Playtime, watching for cues again
S: Catnap if he'd woken early from his second nap or hadn't had enough sleep. Again timing for this varies, and I offer it depending on whether he looks like he needs it.
A: From - er, whenever! Quiet A, including a bath if he needs one
E: BF between 6 and 7
A: Wind-down before bed
(Sometimes a further BF here as a top-up)
S: Asleep between 7 and 8.
Not sure how helpful that is
Over the past couple of months I've been particularly concerned about getting as much food into him as possible during the day, first because of poor weight gain and worries about my milk supply (I did some cluster feeding (EAEAS) towards the end of November) - he did seem to put on a good amount but then lost pretty much all the weight when he fell ill - then second because of his numerous NWs (he's been feeding up to 3x at night in addition to the 4 or 5 BFs during the day, though we got back down to 2x last night). He seems to take a full feed each time unless we're out and about and he gets distracted.
He was at the 50th centile for weight at birth but is now tracking along the 2nd. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him though - he's healthy, happy and reaching all his milestones. But I guess I'm still a bit hung up on his weight.
Is there anything else I can add that might help?