What does your toddler's sleep schedule look like? I'm so confused as to how long my dd (21 months) can be up in between nap and bedtimes and such. I don't know if she's ot or ut or what! Last week we had a fantastic (albeit strange!) week with her sleeping. She must have been going thru a growth spurt b/c she was sleeping tons. It was great! But, of course, we're back to relatively short naps and night times.
Wake: 6-6:30am
Nap: 12-1:30
Bed: 7:00pm (sometimes not asleep till 7:30 or even 7:45p)
By 5pm, she's crabby and ready for dinner and bed, but that's way too early. Food energizers her and she's good to go again once she has dinner. But then it's bath time and some nights, I think bath gets her all hyped up b/c it's been taking her forever to fall asleep at night. The other night it took an hour - that's been the longest yet.
I guess I'm just curious to hear how long other toddlers can stay up for between waking and nap and then after nap and bedtime. I often wonder if she's up for too long?? If she only naps for 1.5 hours and then is up from 1:30 till 7:30 (or whenever she finally falls asleep), maybe she's ot? I've also tried to have her in bed really early, like 6:30p, and sometimes she still won't be asleep till after 7. Other nights, she falls asleep in 10 minutes. It's so strange and I can't figure it out.
For today: she woke at 6:25am. Nap 12:45-2:15 (yes, later than planned
). So what time is bed?? Normally, it would be 7. Should I stick with it?? Do I go with 12 hour days, no matter what - which would mean 6:30 in bed?