Author Topic: Finger Food Q's  (Read 946 times)

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Finger Food Q's
« on: January 07, 2009, 22:16:16 pm »
My DD is just shy of 8 months old. She has never taken very well to the purees, but lately is really enjoying her finger foods. I think it's time to start weaning her off the purees and just letting her eat the "real" stuff. I'm just wondering a few things:

1) I know fresh food is the best but is there anything wrong with using canned or frozen, especially for the veggies.

2) If I give her fruit yogurt does that count as a milk plus a fruit or doesn't the fruit count?

3) How careful do I need to be with possible food allergies? There are none in my nor DH's family and she hasn't had a reaction to anything so far.

4) Can her food be lightly seasoned now?

I think that's it for now but I'll come back if I think of more! Thanks!

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Re: Finger Food Q's
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2009, 13:49:22 pm »
1) canned or frozen food is fine - just check for salt/sugar content. tinned/frozen/dried fruit/veg all count towards a fruit/veg portion
2)the fruit doesnt count in a yoghurt as it wont contain enough of it - the yoghurt counts as a dairy portion.
3) it depends on how you feel about it. we were never particularly cautious with dd or ds (they had peanut butter by 1 year and had tried eggs, etc)
4) I would avoid adding salt to foods but you could use herbs, garlic, etc to add flavour. Up to 1 year they should only have a maximum of 1g of salt per day and if you add up the naturally occuring salt plus any in processed foods such as bread, cheese, etc then it is easy to get to that figure without adding to it yourself