Author Topic: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"  (Read 1671 times)

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Offline Mashi

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WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« on: January 10, 2009, 09:32:19 am »

I keep harping on this, I know, but for some reason I'm just not "getting it" and no one is getting it that I'm not getting it! If that makes sense. ???

I am looking for someone with a LO slightly older than mine (will be 6 mos on Jan 21st) who has very recently started solids with their LO.  If you are slightly "ahead of me" in the game then it will be easier as I need to be a follower here, not a leader! Either that, or someone with LOs much older who already knows the deal and what I should be doing.

Just thinking someone won't mind a million PMs from me, lots of questions and some support for how to go about this, how to know when to increase solids without doing it too much, when to drop a bottle, how to get a 2 hr nap with 3hrs of A time but 4 hourly feeds ??? when feeds can go longer than 4 hours, how to know that, etc etc. 

If anyone is interested in helping me out via PMs on a very regular basis I would be very very thankful.


Offline DebMcGee

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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2009, 10:00:27 am »

I'll be your buddy but Laila is 2 days younger than yours so not the older baby you wanted but she's been on solids since 5 months and I think we're doing great.

I won't be offended if you don't want me to - just thought I'd offer a hand.


Offline Ajay

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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 23:38:49 pm »
We're just getting started properly on solids, I am available for any advice you need.  I am in Australia, so bear in mind that (at the moment) I am 11 hours ahead of you.
We started off with rice cereal (not successful), made my own pear puree (a bit more successful) and are, at the moment working our way through the jars of purees from the supermarket.
We are still just on stage 1, though he does like feeding himself as well.  At the weekend, DS had a crust of wholemeal bread, and a chunk of Granny Smith apple - though he preferred gnawing at my whole apple!  He is teething (2 teeth came through last Saturday) so likes the feel of cold sticks of carrot, apple or cucumber to suck on.
Hope this info is useful, as I said, feel free to PM me at anytime.  (I am on here most of the time!)

Offline Evgenia

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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 00:14:35 am »
Hey my DD has been on solids for a month now and she's on a variety of fruit, veg and cereal. If you have any questions or need any support or jus want to chat I'm here for you!!! :)


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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 00:17:03 am »
Thank you so much ladies for offering your help and time.  Your contribution is what makes BW so great!

 :-* :-* :-*

Offline TDR'smom

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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2009, 00:39:57 am »
Mashimaro, our lo's are very close in age.  You KNOW I do not mind being your "feeding buddy".  So far we have only tried a little bit of cereal with Madi, but starting in a week or two, I will start introducing fruits/veg etc.  Will Pm you my ideal "routine" at least for feedings, since sleeping is a bit of a mess lately.

you know where to find me!



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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2009, 01:40:25 am »
I was sooo much like you when my DD started solids. I was just scouring the internet looking for how much she should be getting, when she should be getting it, how naps should fit in, number and amounts of bottles etc, etc. I mean, I was on for HOURS! LOL! I think I actually put too much thought into it because she pretty much tells me what she needs when she needs it. Now at 8 months she has a pretty well established routine. For us it's about routine flexibility because what works for her one day won't for the next day. If you have any specific questions regarding solids/naps/whatever you can definitely ask! Goodness knows I've researched it enough I should be able to help a bit! :)

Offline A pair of Charlies

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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2009, 11:21:12 am »

Just saw this post now. Here if you're still looking for a feeding buddy. Charles is just coming up 10 months so a bit older and on to the next stage of food now...but here if you want anything. Likewise, if you want to try and help me troubleshoot some of our feeding issues when they come up, would love your logical insight.


Just let me know.

Offline Mashi

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Re: WANTED: Will someone be my "feeding buddy?"
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2009, 20:09:22 pm »
Oh thanks so much all of you.  This is the first time I have been able to open this post since I wrote it, I could see lots of replies but since the Mimi Curse couldn't open it to see what they all said!   I assumed Mimi had written in here because of that, but strange that she hasn't!

Most of you have come across my zillion other threads on feeding solids and so you already know the types of things I have been asking and have been a MASSIVE help.  I'll PM you directly when I have other questions so as not to make the boards all sloppy with another "Here she goes AGAIN!" thread! LOL!

Thanks again you're all wonderful!