We're just getting started properly on solids, I am available for any advice you need. I am in Australia, so bear in mind that (at the moment) I am 11 hours ahead of you.
We started off with rice cereal (not successful), made my own pear puree (a bit more successful) and are, at the moment working our way through the jars of purees from the supermarket.
We are still just on stage 1, though he does like feeding himself as well. At the weekend, DS had a crust of wholemeal bread, and a chunk of Granny Smith apple - though he preferred gnawing at my whole apple! He is teething (2 teeth came through last Saturday) so likes the feel of cold sticks of carrot, apple or cucumber to suck on.
Hope this info is useful, as I said, feel free to PM me at anytime. (I am on here most of the time!)