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Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« on: February 02, 2009, 18:35:51 pm »
My 20 month old son has been a fairly picky eater for some time now, but just recently it seems to be getting extreme. The foods that he was eating (fishfingers, chicken, omlette, bit of veg) he will no longer have, and he still won't try anything new. He eats apples, bananas, rice cakes and toast and that's about it. Today he has eaten; 1/2 slice toast (just butter on it - he won't have anything else), 1 rice cake, 1 apple and 1 banana. He has refused his dinner (again) - I can't understand how he could not be hungry.  I just don't know what to do - can this possibly be enough? He still has 2 bottles of milk a day - should I give him more/less? Any advice greatly appreciated - am tearing my hair out on this one. ???

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2009, 18:36:52 pm »
Hi, has he been ill at all, doing anything new at all?7 7           

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2009, 18:42:39 pm »
Hi. Yes he was ill for about a week - the usual virus type thing that involved no food at all, bit of a temperature and ended up in a runny nose. He's been ok for about a week now though.

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2009, 19:51:30 pm »
It might still be affecting him a bit. Getting his appetite back you know?

Howabout getting him to help you prepare food, like making funny face sandwiches, washing veg or fruit that kind of thing? Letting him have a limited choice, for example, would you like brocolli or carrots?

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2009, 22:22:57 pm »
I also wonder about teething pain when my LO goes off his food.any molars?
Try to stay relaxed about it, but have a good variety of foods on his plate. Try to have him choose between 2 healthy options for him to have a sense of control over what he eats. hugs, it is hard when they don't eat well!
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2009, 13:33:58 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions. I don't think it's teeth as I think he has them all - plus he's not showing any other signs of teething. I do usually offer a choice of things but all on the same plate - maybe I should split them into 2 options? I''ll try at tea tonight and see if it works. He will eat an unlimited amount of rice cakes but I just wish there was any kind of nutritional value to them! Anyone think I should switch back to formula (rather than cow's milk) to get some vitamins into him?

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2009, 19:45:16 pm »
How does he rate on the percentiles for weight/height? Does he seem well nourished?
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007


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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2009, 21:45:04 pm »
I'm not sure where you live, but here in the US there's a drink called PediaSure. It is recommended by pediatricians for LO's to get a balanced nutrition. There was a little girl I used to watch who drank this because all she would eat was yogurt, pudding and graham crackers. Here's a link:

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2009, 22:12:00 pm »
You say he likes rice cakes, have you tried putting spreads on there? Like hummus, cream cheese, pb (if you give him that). Or you could do avocado/banana puree or something like that. 

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2009, 20:10:37 pm »
Yes - he will eat rice cakes with cream cheese but nothing else ::) I live in the uk so not sure about the supplement drink. Haven't had him weighed for a while but am planning to go tomorrow - he has always been around the 25th for weight and was 91st for height - long and skinny. He is so active too which is why I can't understand why he doesn't need the calories. Having said all that, he has eaten a bit for tea last night and tonight - thank goodness - I tried presenting him with a choice (the normal food I would give him!) so he could take what he wanted and put it on his plate - seemed to work so thanks for that! Will see how weight is going tomorrow. Thanks for all your posts.

Offline clazzat

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2009, 20:29:24 pm »
I went through a fussy phase with dd1 - for about 6 months she was quite picky about what she ate, wouldn't take anything new, and for about 2 months of that was not really eating much at all.  She lost 1.5kg but seemed fairly happy with it so I wasn't too worried.  She has now recovered her appetite and has put nearly all the weight back on.

Things that worked for us:
She would eat unlimited fruit, so I gave her at least 2 pieces of fruit for every meal.
There were some things that I knew she would always eat (for example biscuits and cheese, or bagel with cream cheese) so I would try to have those quite often.
I started giving her less food - sounds crazy, but sometimes when there is a huge pile of food on their plate they are put off by it, and offering them less means that they can eat it all and come back for more if they want.
I didn't let her refuse something and ask for something else - it is impossible for a toddler to starve him/herself and therefore they will eat when they are hungry (hard to bear in mind when it is the umpteenth meal in a row that they have refused, but it's really true).  It is quite important not to get into the habit of taking something away to be replaced by something "better" because then you start creating long term issues.
I let her chose what she wanted to eat as often as possible.
I stopped trying to get her to eat new foods - it just created a battle and didn't result in her eating anything anyway.

For your sanity try not to put too much effort into preparing food - it is easier to take away food that you haven't slaved over for hours.

Incidentally, the problems with Milena's eating started when I was about 6 months pregnant, and went away when dd2 was about 4 months old - more interesting and less demanding.  I think that a lot of her fussiness was about getting attention, which is entirely understandable.

Hope this helps.  Cx

Another thing that I have just remembered is that she loves Ella's Organic Kitchen pouches of fruit/veg.  They are designed for younger children, but as she doesn't eat a lot of vegetables otherwise we give them to her quite a lot.  It makes me feel better that she is having some vegetables at least.  You might find that your lo will eat those as they are sort of fun for them.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 20:32:02 pm by clazzat »

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2009, 16:00:28 pm »
That's so interesting - sounds almost identical to my boy - and really reassuring to hear it didn't last forever! I was wanting some reassurance that I am doing the right thing by not offering him an alternative when he refuses to eat what I've made him so thank you for that. I'll stick to my guns! The last couple of days I've offered him less, and from a different plate so he can "choose" and it does seem to be working. The pouches are a good idea too - he will devour those but I wasn't bothering with them as he already eats loads of fruit.. forgot they do veggie ones too. You probably noticed I'm 6 months pregnant too - maybe he's picking up the vibes??! Thanks again - so good to realise we are not alone.. x

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2009, 19:36:15 pm »
I was told that at this age it doesn't matter if they don't eat vegetables, as fruit is just as good.  I tell myself this when I realise that Milena hasn't eaten any vegetables for a couple of days!   ;D

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Re: Fussy Toddler now barely eating - help!
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2009, 07:51:05 am »
I was told that at this age it doesn't matter if they don't eat vegetables, as fruit is just as good.  I tell myself this when I realise that Milena hasn't eaten any vegetables for a couple of days!   ;D

That's what I've been telling myself! I don't think it's the milk as he does eat breakfast (best meal of the day) 1/2 hour after his morning bottle.. Although I have been thinking I should ditch the bottle and get him to drink it out of a cup. He drinks water all day from a cup though so I wasn't too worried. And his bedtime bottle is about 2 hours after his evening meal(mouthful lol) so not sure that that's what he's holding out for. He has about 16oz of milk a day and very little dairy so I'm a little reluctant to take away the bottle - probably means quite a few days of tantrums and no milk at all. Not sure if I can handle that at the mo.. Thanks for the thoughts though, I will think about it. As for access to sun - pretty much NONE! x