I went through a fussy phase with dd1 - for about 6 months she was quite picky about what she ate, wouldn't take anything new, and for about 2 months of that was not really eating much at all. She lost 1.5kg but seemed fairly happy with it so I wasn't too worried. She has now recovered her appetite and has put nearly all the weight back on.
Things that worked for us:
She would eat unlimited fruit, so I gave her at least 2 pieces of fruit for every meal.
There were some things that I knew she would always eat (for example biscuits and cheese, or bagel with cream cheese) so I would try to have those quite often.
I started giving her less food - sounds crazy, but sometimes when there is a huge pile of food on their plate they are put off by it, and offering them less means that they can eat it all and come back for more if they want.
I didn't let her refuse something and ask for something else - it is impossible for a toddler to starve him/herself and therefore they will eat when they are hungry (hard to bear in mind when it is the umpteenth meal in a row that they have refused, but it's really true). It is quite important not to get into the habit of taking something away to be replaced by something "better" because then you start creating long term issues.
I let her chose what she wanted to eat as often as possible.
I stopped trying to get her to eat new foods - it just created a battle and didn't result in her eating anything anyway.
For your sanity try not to put too much effort into preparing food - it is easier to take away food that you haven't slaved over for hours.
Incidentally, the problems with Milena's eating started when I was about 6 months pregnant, and went away when dd2 was about 4 months old - more interesting and less demanding. I think that a lot of her fussiness was about getting attention, which is entirely understandable.
Hope this helps. Cx
Another thing that I have just remembered is that she loves Ella's Organic Kitchen pouches of fruit/veg. They are designed for younger children, but as she doesn't eat a lot of vegetables otherwise we give them to her quite a lot. It makes me feel better that she is having some vegetables at least. You might find that your lo will eat those as they are sort of fun for them.