Author Topic: 10 week old nw too frequent??  (Read 754 times)

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Offline Georgiesmum

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10 week old nw too frequent??
« on: February 12, 2009, 22:55:31 pm »
My 10 1/2 week old is waking 2-3 times a night, sometimes on two hours since the last feed. He is breast fed.  Through the day he is feeding around 3 hourly - with some cluster feeding in the evening.  I wonder whether to simply feed each time he wakes and accept that as what he needs or whether its alright to put him back to sleep without a feed sometimes?  Here is a sample of the last two nights and day. Activity is in between.  Sleeps are when he is actually asleep without including time spent getting to sleep.

E 5:25pm
S 6:30pm -7:20pm

E 7:20pm
S 8:05pm -12am

E 12am
S 12:25 -3am

E 3am
S 3:20 - 5:50am

E 5:50am
S 6:20am -7:35am

E 8:05am
S 8:30 -9:20
S 10:10 - 11:20am

E 11:25am
S 12:40pm - 1:35pm

E 2pm
S 3pm -5:05pm

E 5:05pm
S 6:20 - 8pm

E 8:05pm
S wouldn't
E 9:15pm
S 9:30pm - 12:20pm

E 12:20
S 12:40 - 2:30am

E 2:30am (did poo while feeding - perhaps reason for waking)
S 3am - 4:30am

E 5:05am
S 5:30 - 6:30am

E 6:47am

Often if I dream feed him at 10pm he wakes just after midnight anyway so I didn't last night (but had feed him at 9:15 anyway).  He used to sleep in a hammock and could give him a bounce or two and he'd drift off to sleep for anothher hour or two.  But I haven't tried extending his night sleeps since he has been in his bassinet (only a few days).  Help will be appreciated Thanks.
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Offline Georgiesmum

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Re: 10 week old nw too frequent??
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2009, 20:18:44 pm »
He is already on a 3 hr EASY mostly though not strictly more 2.5 - 3.5hr (more often shorter than longer).  I wonder if he is getting enough food in the day - he is not a big feeder.   I tried to offer the breast more yesterday so at feed time for as long as he would then try again 10 minutes later and repeat again a few times till he'd take more.  He won't always take it - just cries so I calm him and try later.
 Last night he fed frequently before bed - 3:10, 5:20, 7:15, 8:30 - didn't settle well for sleep till just before 9, then fed 10pm, 12:44 (I tried to just change his nappy and toilet him - we do elimination communication) but he kept crying through that so I fed him. Then fed at 3:45 (I think his sister woke him with her banging the potty).  Awake again at 6:15am andI held him off till 7am by first some patting then bringing him in my bed.  So it was better.  maybe the main issue is getting him to take bigger feeds in the day?  Any tips for this?  Is it normal for babies this age to continue feeding their same schedule at night as day ie 3 hourly?
Thanks Hannah
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