DS is 9 1/2 weeks.
My supply in my right breast has dipped considerably. I think it's due to being back on the pill. Only on it for 2 weeks, though. I'm going to stop the pill, I'm taking Fenugreek, drinking Mother's Milk Tea, and I'm trying to pump the right side when I can after feedings. It's hard with a 3 year old, too.
I've thought about starting to wean, but I've got such mixed emotions about it because I've worked so hard to get where we are.
So, I've decided to just try to take one day at a time and give one bottle of EBM a day. That way, when we do have to transition to formula, it will be easier. He used to take a bottle with no problems, but he hasn't had one for about 3 weeks. Last night when he woke up at 3 am, DH tried to give him one and he refused it for almost an hour! He was definitely hungry, but he wanted me and not the bottle
I'm new at BF. DS1 was formula fed. Any tips?? Will my milk come back in on the right? When there's milk there, he does fine, but he's manipulated his latch due to decreased milk and it's hard to get him to latch properly again, thus perpetuating the cycle of low supply.