My ds is 24 weeks old and ebf until 1 week ago.
I introduced bottles with a lot of tears on both sided as I am exhausted after feeding him 3-4 times per night since he was born. He is distractable, and has reflux and the combination of these factors leads to poor daytime feeding and calorie catch up at night.
He's been on bottles for 5 days now - initially pure ebm and now a 50% mix with formula. I've been pumping all his missed feeds as I want to keep all options open to us. I'm currently pumping 20-25oz a day so no real supply issues at the moment.
What I want 'in an ideal world' is to bf morning and evening, have a bottle of formula at lunchtime and 10pm, and overnight if needed. I'm off back to work in a few months so now i've got him to take the bottles it would not be sensible to drop them again.
My question is - do you think this could ever work? I'm concerned that it will confuse him and the difference in taste will lead to him refusing bottles and then waiting for a bf? And if he does that often it will cause a lot of tears for both of us.
My head tells me to stop bfing and switch to bottles as this is what the future will hold anyway, and my heart wants me to keep offering some feeds, that magic bm, and special mummmy and Jacob time.
Am I asking too much? If I do give it a go, how long do you think I should try for? I want to be fair to my lo.