Author Topic: 2.5 yr old constant night wakings  (Read 827 times)

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Offline sambsmum

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2.5 yr old constant night wakings
« on: February 24, 2009, 11:45:56 am »
I know this has probably been dealt with before, but I just don't have time to read through previous posts.
My 2.5 year old son has been on EASY since birth and is an ANGEL (thanks so much Tracy!!) He transitioned to a big bed without issues at 20 months and has generally been an amazing sleeper. Even when we brought home my daughter 9 months ago, he has always slept through the night without issue.
We've had to drop his day time sleep, because it would take us till 10pm most nights to get him to go to sleep, without it, he goes down easily within 2-3 minutes at 7:30-8pm. The problem has been, in the last 6 months, he consistently walks into our bedroom usually 2-3 times a night around 1pm, 3pm and about 5pm at which time, we struggle to get him to go back to sleep. At 1 and 3 we generally just have to turn him around and sit beside his bed for a few minutes and he's back to sleep, but at 5 - he can be up for good. It's driving us crazy with the interrupted sleep.

We tried everything, mum putting him back to bed, dad, shutting his door (which he just melted down bumping into walls/walking in and out of his closet - I couldn't bear to keep that up so we tried a gate instead with the door open, to which after almost 8 days of consistent screaming for up to 1 hour at the gate to "let him out" was just not working for us (not to mention - all he has to say is "need to wee" and we HAVE to let him out to go to the toilet or he wets himself).

His routine is generally - up between 5 and 6, a normal day but no sleep - loads of activity, with dinner generally finishing at 6pm, bath, storytime then bed by 7:30-8pm. He sleeps very well from this time, but then wakes around 1ish and it all begins! 

I personally feel that he's not getting enough sleep in total, which may be causing our problems, but just cannot return his day sleep as it honestly deprives us of 2 hours in the evening (walkin-walkout or just sitting there with him to keep him in bed). Any ideas/suggestions?

Offline willowonyx

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Re: 2.5 yr old constant night wakings
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2009, 20:50:45 pm »
I feel your pain, we are going through the same thing with our DD who is 32 months.  I am not sure if this applies to your DS but my DD two year molars are coming, that is what we *think* is the problem.

Offline sambsmum

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Re: 2.5 yr old constant night wakings
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2009, 23:14:40 pm »
Possibly, but would that be affecting him for the last 6 months?
Also. when he comes in - he's not upset or crying or complaining about his teeth, he just walks in.
I've watched him wake up in the middle of the night (was sleepless and sitting by his bed).
He literally opens his eyes and starts to get straight up. There is no tossing around restlessly, its like he just goes into auto mode and gets up and walks to our bedroom. Some nights we don't even realise he's there, just standing next to the bed.
I don't know if its sleep walking or just a phase, but I guess we'll persevere.

I've been reading up on the forums and perhaps its a little overtired or not enough sleep, so we're going to apply the 12 hour rule and try to get him into bed 12 hours after he's woken in the morning to see if more sleep will generate better sleep.

Thanks for the reply

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Re: 2.5 yr old constant night wakings
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 14:01:07 pm »
It can take months for molars to come through.

Yes, the getting out of bed and coming and standing next to our bed....that sounds familiar.  My daughter a few times just would lay down next to the our bed and go to sleep....but she has no problems sleeping on the floor, she did it for months after she turned 2.

I hope you get things settled down.  Since our LO turned 2, she has had problems sleeping.....