My DD now 18th months dropped to one nap at 11 months (I did try a few of the tips giving to hold on to it…worked for a very short time and then she started refusing eve nap again) and it was a very smooth transition with her taking 12 hours sleep at night and one long 2-3 hour nap during the day and never showing signs of tiredness unless very close to nap times.
In the last few weeks her naps are only 1hr and a half (Which I know is fine, just shorter than what she had) plus she is waking earlier each day….not very early but she is waking early for her and I am just wondering is there a reason.
She was waking at anytime from 7:45-8:30…never earlier that 7:45, then in the last 2-3 weeks it started as 7:30 for a few days, then 7:20ish, then 7: ish and now is 6:45ish…so its getting earlier and earlier.
Just wondering what could be possible reasons for EW’s at this age???
(She was teething a few weeks ago but think her teeth have cut through and are not causing any problems at the moment.)
Many Thanks in advance,