Author Topic: 8 mo. old teether wants to nurse every two hours at night...what to do?  (Read 938 times)

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Offline lillysmom

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Our DD was a reasonably good sleeper...always waking 1-3 times per night for a feed, but it was WAY more manageable that the past two weeks.  The past three weeks, she has dealt with Roseola (1 week), a cold (1 week) and her first tooth (this past week).  Progressively, her night wakings have increased.  Now, she is typically waking roughly every 2 hours and rejecting her paci...all that will make her happy is nursing!  If I don't nurse her, but hold her and try to give her the paci, she rejects it and fights me.  I don't know what to do...not sure if I am doing what I should be to comfort my DD through illnesses and teething or if I am only prolonging and assisting her night waking pattern.

Tonight, she cried for an hour with me standing next to her crib, trying to do PU/PD by what I remembered reading in the BWSAYP.  It was unsuccessful and I finally was able to get her calmed down by sitting in a chair and cuddling her with the paci I finally got in (she's always done GREAT using the paci to settle herself to sleep, unassisted).  She was asleep in 5 minutes of sitting in the chair with her.

I stress about doing the best for her, but feel like I am failing her.  She's never been the world's greatest sleeper, but aside from night wakings she will sleep the whole night.  Do I just suck it up?  I am so tired...DH is supportive but unsure of what to do as well...she's our first baby and I want to know what happened to the manual we were supposed to receive at the hospital!  (just kidding, but really...wouldn't that make life much easier?!  :) )

Sigh...heading to bed...

Offline lillysmom

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Thanks Jay3.  She is such a stubborn little redhead.  :)  Yesterday, we worked on resuming our nap routine (putting her in the crib with her paci and letting her drift off to sleep on her own).  It worked pretty well.  Last night, sleeping was the same...up every 1-2 hours for a few minutes to nurse.  Not sure if it's also separation anxiety coupled with teething.  I'm happy to comfort for a time, but don't want to create bad habits that will need to be broken in the future.

Thank you for your support.  Your little man is toooo cute!