I am new to all of this and my baby is 4 weeks old today. We have been on EASY since we got back from the hospital when she was 4 days old. It's been working fairly well until this week. We went to the pediatrician last week and Mia hadn't gained any weight. The doctor was not worried as she has 6-8 wet nappies per day and 4-5 dirty nappies and she is healthy and strong. She said to keep feeding her on demand.
Well, it kind of shook my confidence so I started feeding her more often. So for the past couple of days, we have eaten, done activity, eaten again and then slept. When she eats after slepping, she generally eats 30-40 minutes, but before slepp, it is only 10-15 so I don't think she needs it, but she is displaying all the signs of hunger, rooting, the baby bird metaphor that Tracy uses, the triangle, etc. What should I do? I don't want to train her to go to sleep on the breast, but I also want to make sure she is getting enough to eat. Could this be a growth spurt? She is sleeping less this week as well.
Thanks for any help you can give.