We've recently moved from Europe to Asia with a one month vacation in the US in between!
Needless to say, our nice little EASY routine is out the window
DS is improving with the consistency of being in one place, but is still pretty out of whack:
- waking 3-5 times at night, nursing around 5am, back to sleep until 8 or 9.
- asking for frequent nursings in the morning
- won't sit still to eat at meal time, wants to eat in the bath and crib
- naps well in morning from 1.25 to 2.5 hours, almost impossible to get afternoon nap (2-1 transition?)
I don't even know where to begin correcting things. I guess my main questions are how to get him off the 5am nursing and how to begin making the switch to one nap/day. He naps so well in the morning, I am really scared to try the short nap in the morning to make him sleepy for the afternoon nap.
Also, he was never that great in the highchair, but since we have been traveling w/o the highchair for the last 6 weeks or so, he is walking around eating, coming and going from the table, etc. My DH is going crazy with this. My best idea is to make set meal times and give a time limit. But how can we get him to sit at the table until he is done eating? He sits well in a chair, but can easily get down. I have to admit I did let him eat dinner in the bathtub a few times
I feel like I might have ruined things forever!!!
Any response is so much appreciated!!