Thank you for that Anna.
Well with Edward I was constuntly stopping and re-starting sleep training because he was, (hope I haven't jintzed things by saying was) a very sicky baby so I ended up continueing sleep training even when he was ill. I started off sitting at teh side of his cot so he could touch me through the bars and I did this until he was settling down to sleep with-in 15 mins I know it's not the way it should be done but I felt I had to adapt it for him due to the illnesses. I then moved 1 step away and stayied there until again he was settling within 15 mins. I keeped gradual moveing 1 step at a time every-time he was settling within 15 mins until I was sat at the bed-room door when I then started also doing PD and then walking away back to the door. I always said to him sleep time now night-night when I laid him back down as I felt I needed to inforce that we go to bed to go to sleep. It did take me if I remember correctly will have to check his sleep trauining record I keep for the right amount of time but it was about 3-4 months to get him to the stage were I was out-side his room and he was settling to sleep with-in 15 mins.
Hope this helps and I am also re-doing PD/GW again with him now as we are in the cot to BBB transition and and we have been doin gthis now for 2 weeks and I am 4 steps away from his cot and tomorrow night I am goin got be taking another step away from him as he settled in 13 mins tonight.