Howdy there,
I’m writing as I need some help with my nine month old son. He is a catnapper and I have great difficulty getting him to sleep during the day.
He started sleeping through the night when he was 7 weeks old but stopped at 5 months. He has always been a great self settler and hasn’t used sleeping props like being cuddled to sleep or fed to sleep or dummies etc. When he started night waking again we would cuddle him till he stopped crying, then use the PU/PD if he got distressed when we put him back in his cot at night. What also worked was sitting in there with him singing until he calmed down and put himself to sleep. He started sleeping through the night again 2 weeks ago but this all stopped last week when this new nap problem came up.
Now it is the daytime naps that we are having great difficulty with, he doesn’t want to have them, gets overtired, and now he is waking in the night again.
I know it is cos he is overtired but I can’t get him to take his naps, and once we do get him to sleep he wakes 45 mins later grumpy.
He wakes at 7.30
Brekky – baby cereal + fruit + B/F
Activity for hour or so.
Once I see he is tired it is nap attempt time. For about 20 mins we have non stimulating time. Cuddles, lullabies, reading stories etc. when I put him down he is definitely tired but not asleep and I leave the room. He lies there quietly and I think he is going to sleep, but then he decides…. Nup, it’s play time. He will stand up and play in his cot, hit the walls cos he likes the noise it makes etc. He does this quite happily for 3 HOURS until he gets incredibly grumpy and tired and starts screaming. PU/PD, sitting in there with him singing, just lying there with him doesn’t work during the day (does at night though) cos if he sees me he wants to play. I cant swaddle him cos he gets out of it. Once he does go to sleep (which is normally lunch time) he sleeps 45 mins and wakes up grumpy and I can’t get him back to sleep. Then
Lunch – bout 5 tablespoons of vegies / fruit, followed by B/F
Activity for 1.5 hours
Then it all starts again.
After an hour or so of hoping he will go to sleep, I’ll get him up and do another 20 mins of boring time to settle him, he is put down again sleepy but not asleep, and then it all starts again. At 3pm I’ll give up and get him up again for afternoon tea hoping it will distract him into sleep
2 tablespoons of yoghurt / fruit / custard + bottle of water
This only started last week and I don’t want to get him in bad habits so im seeking help early. He is so overtired during the day, he is now getting up during the night again.
Until last week although he only catnapped, slept 45 mins, up for 2 hours, then would self settle and sleep only 45 mins but wake up happy and chatting away to himself. We weren’t able to get him back to sleep, even though he was happy we could see he was still tired.
Since last week he is having maybe 2 x 45 minute naps during the day. As soon as I know he is tired (rubs eyes is only sign) I have 20 minutes of boring time and I put him down tired but not asleep. Just when we think he has gone to asleep cos he has been quiet for 10 mins, he perks up and starts playing by himself again. We aren’t stimulating him, he is. At night he goes down bout 7pm, talks to himself for an hour and sleeps till 7.30 with one night waking for 30 mins or so.
Does anyone have any advice? I have looked through some of the help pages but haven’t found anything I haven’t tried yet (but I am new to the page so I am sure I have missed something). I am glad the refusing to sleep is during the day and not the night, but I can't leave the house cos I am spending the day trying to get him to sleep!
Hope someone can help me.