I find the NHS (ie/ health visitors) are VERY pushy in terms of chucking babies full of solid food as soon as possible - just get it into them, as much as your can stuff in. Hence, a bit of milk first, just enough to ease their hunger off while you make a meal, then fill them as much as you can with solids and then some more milk in case they are still a bit hungry. At least that is the way my HV sees it and seems to push it!
The other reason it is hard to do this is because if you are formula feeding then you can't really start a bottle, take it away when LO is only had a few ounces, leave the bottle to sit, and then warm it up again and re-feed from it. Not to mention that tt totally goes against the guidelines that these same HVs give in the first place!
We have always done things the BW way - milk first, solids about an hour later. Often it was more like 30 - 45 minutes after milk, depending on naps, etc. Those first few weeks they don't actually "eat" much anyway when they are just learning the concept of taking food from a spoon, that it is "food" and they should swallow it, etc. So, for my son, it made very little difference if it was 30 minutes or 60 minutes after a bottle in how much he took in. Things like timings will slowly work themselves over time, and you will find when works best for you, routine wise.
So for milk to make cereal with, a few random points that may help --
-- I found that one ounce of milk made up a ridiculous amount of cereal! Instead I poured a bit less than half an ounce from the bottle I was going to feed from, into a bowl before I offered his milk, and that made up still more than enough cereal. And without really sacrificing any of his milk.
-- When we moved onto something other than a few spoonfuls of cereal and I did need more milk (ie/ making porridge for instance) I made up a separate bottle with 2 or 3 ounces of milk in the morning, and kept it in the fridge for the day, to be used for adding to solids. Even if you have a small measuring tool (ie accurate measuring spoon for instance) that you can measure out two ounces and make it up in a small tupperware bowl, put the lid on it and give it a good shake, that is fine for using for your cereal and things.
-- I did, and still do the above, although admit that many days that extra milk gets dumped. I make my bottles at bedtime for the next day's breakfast and lunch as well as my mini-bottle with 2 or 3 ounces of milk for cooking.