Evening going well here so far - he went down at 8.15 (too late I know - that's the next thing I have to work on! Well, that and getting him into his own room
) and has been fast asleep since (fingers crossed that continues!). I BF but he has always had a formua top up before bed following issues with my milk supply when he was small. So, DH gives him the bottle, then they have a play while I shower and get things ready for his bath, then he has bath, BF and bed. I've always fed him just before bedtime and I think that's fine as long as they go down awake (well, most of the time anyway
) In fact, I'm sure I've read Tracey saying this somewhere...might be in the sleep interview, I can't remember. I think you have to adapt the routine so that it works for you and your LO.
do do a DF and it seems to work well for us. I feed him at 11 when we go to bed and usually he feeds, burps and doesn't even wake up
He then sleeps usually until around 7am though we do get an occasional night waking when he's having a growth spurt. Might be worth trying the DF again as it didn't work for me when I first tried it so I left it for a while and tried again and now it works like, well, like a dream
If your LO sleeps through though then I wouldn't bother even trying - if it ain't broke...
I think 15 hours total sleep is absolutely fine if she's happy enough when she's awake. My DS has always been on the lower end of the recommended total sleep but he's such a happy little thing 99% of the time that I try not to get too concerned about that. He obviously gets his sleep needs from my early rising DH though as I could sleep and sleep given half the chance!
I'm the same with the mother and baby groups too. We have a lovely group in our village but it coincides with DS's first nap of the day and at the moment I'm not prepared to jeopardise our whole day by missing that nap! We go swimming once a week and that's pretty much it. What I've found is that now things are evening out a bit with his sleep it makes me want to join groups etc even less as I'm worried I'll ruin this routine we've worked so hard to create...we can't win
I'm hoping that I might relax about it a bit more in the next couple of months...and when i go back to work part time in September I'll have no choice (brings me out in a cold sweat just thinking about it!)
Well, that's my novel finished for the evening. Think I'd better give DH the laptop!
Let's see what tomorrow brings...