I'm a new mum and new to this forum.
I'm so glad I've found this post, I've been doing some research on tongue-tie today as my 10 day old son has a severe one.
He was born on the 10th and as recommended, I tried to breastfeed straight away. I had done a lot of research on this prior to his birth and knew the correct positioning etc. However, it just wasn't happening for us in the hospital. The breastfeeding advisors were fantastic in trying to help him feed and when she could see that things weren’t quite right, she asked to do a quick check of him. She diagnosed a tongue-tie straight away and said he was the third of the day!
She and the other advisors tried to help him get a better latch and as he wasn't getting any milk from me, we syringed my colostrum and he had that. During the night I was offered a top up feed of formula in a cup and he took this quite well (I think he was pretty hungry by then). We still tried with the breastfeeding, trying different positions but he would suck for a few moments, and then get tired and stop. By the time I was discharged, the BF advisor said, "just feed him", whether it be breastfeeding/expressed or formula in a cup.
I was so desperate to breastfeed, not only because it's best for my son, but because he looks so beautiful when I'm watching him feed. I persevered to the point where it felt like someone was rubbing my nipples with sandpaper each time he fed
. Fortunately he was actually learning to feed and was doing pretty well. But my nipples were so cracked and bleeding that no amount of lansinoh cream would soothe them.
My midwife, who visited me on the Monday after he was born, took one look at my nipples and said, “stop breastfeeding”. I explained that he’s been referred to Kings for the snip but that I didn’t want to affect his referral if they found out I had stopped breastfeeding so I would try and persevere, however she said that he would sense the distress from me and it would affect him.
A few days later, after continuing to breastfeed, I resorted to expressing and feeding in a bottle, the bottle mainly because he was finding cup feeding with formula so utterly distressing - he just wasn’t getting milk in quickly enough and he was taking in lots of air.
So far, he has been quite content on the formula from a bottle but I do feel like I’ve failed him. I am expressing too and supplementing his formula but because of the pain and the fact that I’ve been trying to allow my nipples time to heal so that I can feed him after his treatment, my milk supply has almost disappeared and I have mastitis, for which I’m on antibiotics!
I’ve tried him on my breast again yesterday and again this morning to see whether he remembers how to feed from me, but I think he’s become lazy and just isn’t suckling as well as a week ago. He seems to get the formula milk he wants from a bottle in 10 minutes compared to an hour breastfeeding, so I can imaging he’s thinking “why bother?!”.
I’m seeing the midwife again tomorrow but am really worried that the consultant at Kings won’t treat him because he’s been bottle fed.
Otherwise, he seems to be sleeping contently, going from midnight through to 4am for a feed, then again through to 8am. He’s napping quite a lot during the day and just letting me know when he’s hungry. He has a bit of mucus and I’m wondering whether this is due to the formula... all questions for the midwife tomorrow.
If any of you have a similar experience or know how I can ensure he gets the treatment at Kings, I would really appreciate your advice.
Many thanks!