Erika has always been harder than my first dd and to be honest i've always struggled with being as strict with sleep training since I was such a nazi about it with number 1...I think I ran out of energy:)
Anyway....she sleeps through the night, has since about 4-6mo's....every few weeeks we get a wakeup for something random but generally not aproblem.
at 10mos old she went to one nap and so i've spent the last 8mo's jumping around constantly tweaking what I could do to get this kid a decent nap. she is so over tired that she will only nap for 1hr 15min. if I can get a 10min catnap out of her then I usually get a longer nap...anyway....thats a constant issue for the past 8mo's and i'm hoping SOME day she can actually do ONE decent nap on her own! the last 8mo's of this crap, I got tired, discouraged and lazy and started giving her a bottle for naps in her crib. Then the last 3mo's or so I gave it to her at bedtime.....I swore I WOULD NEVER DO THIS...but I did....I can't even remember why now?
I got her down to water at bedtime (she will not take a pacifier but LOVES to suck and LOVES LOVES LOVES her bottle!) but i think she is getting her 2yr molars b/c she has been a total pill lately. all came to a head tonight when I acccidentally woke her up at midnight and she started SCREAMING and tantruming in her bed...I couldn't calm her of course I got her a bottle. My husband sat me down for the "chat" and we both know (i've known for a while) that we need to get this under control. Even after her bottle tonight she started to scream again so ithought I'd try WI/WO.....I only had to do it about 6x....the last time she passed me her empty bottle and asked "Buh buh?" and I said "no no, we're not going to have any more bottle, you have a good sleep, mommy loves you see you in the morning" and she was actually quiet and went to sleep. NOW..i'm not kidding myself I know tomorrow will be a nightmare for naps and bedtime.
I think I can handle's the naps I don't know what to I still give her a bottle? she is in this ridiculous overtired cycle from the short one nap and I'm not sure what to do:(.... The bottle usually knocks her out at nap time but i'm afraid she just won't go to sleep without it...she tends to just TALK for hours at naptime if she's overtired and doesn't fall asleep on her bottle.
Oh...she's crying again...sigh... WI/WO my best option? i'm assuming staying in her room and doing Put down is not a good idea at this age..any thoughts?