Author Topic: 6 wks after dropping paci - not getting better  (Read 1117 times)

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Offline Ydnic

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6 wks after dropping paci - not getting better
« on: May 06, 2009, 01:05:21 am »
I need some ideas.  We lost the paci 6 weeks ago, and I lost my excellent night sleeper.  Now we have screaming fits at nap and night time, and if he wakes in the night I have to lay in him room with him until he's back asleep.

When he cries he sounds afraid - and since his paci is gone, he needs my presence for his comfort.  We've tried extra cuddles, a longer wind down - I've offered a chewie toy hoping that it will replace his paci somewhat.  He has stuffed animals and 2 blankets in his bed with him.  Sometimes his crying will only last a minute or two after I leave his room and other times, like tonight, he sounds panicked and cries hard.  Dh is laying with him now. 

We used to have such a great routine and he NEVER cried at night. 

DS has mild autism - which makes it more of a challenge to explain things to him, etc.

Any suggestions?


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Re: 6 wks after dropping paci - not getting better
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2009, 01:15:44 am »
Have you spoken to any mothers who have autistic children for advise??? I am sure they would be able to help you.

We have always kept a nightlight in Sofia's room. When we removed the paci, my dh would sit next to our daughter in a rocking chair. He would assure her that we were right next door and we are all doing doh doh (sleep in french). He would stay in her room until she was drousy and he would leave. We have always put our dd to bed awake or drousy but never asleep. This was the best advise I got out of the baby whisperer.

Having my dh put her to bed for a few weeks helped our situation. Sofia only wanted mommy to put her to bed. 

Dree :)
p.s It does get better
« Last Edit: May 09, 2009, 01:19:01 am by Dree »
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Re: 6 wks after dropping paci - not getting better
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2009, 00:17:30 am »
You're at an age where lots of fears develop.  My son started being afraid of the dark after nearly 3 years of sleeping in a pitch black room -- and loving it that way! So, the paci may have just taken away a security object during a time where he's feeling  a bit more insecure due to developmental changes having to do with his age.

I'd def. try a night light and stay with him in his room longer than you might normally.  For my son the light was essential, that really really helped.  You might also tell him that the stuffed animals will 'take care of him' while he's sleeping.  We did the same for my son.  You might think telling your kid stuffed animals are watching them might freak them out, LOL! But in our case at least, it made him feel more secure.  We make a big deal out of how while he's sleeping his blankie, paci, and stuffed animals are awake and watching over him.  Then, when he's awake they all sleep.  I realize your son is autistic, but you can try saying this stuff and see what happens. 

Just try to increase security with your presence and by changing his sleep environment a bit and see if that helps.
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Offline Ydnic

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Re: 6 wks after dropping paci - not getting better
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2009, 01:08:08 am »
Developmental stuff makes a lot of sense - I think he's had some scary dreams at night as well.  It threw me for a loop since it coincided with losing the paci.  If I remember right, I think I've read that at this age they start remembering their dreams, but can't differentiate between dreams and reality.  T

DH has been putting him to bed at night, for the last 4 of 5 nights and ds hasn't cried once.   I think he'll take on that job for awhile.  This will be good for both of them as ds is very attached to me lately.  We'll deal with naps as we need to I guess. 

I saw a little boy today, who 4 months older than ds - and he had a paci in his mouth.  I had to breathe a prayer of thanks.  This last few weeks haven't been fun - but I'm SO GLAD that the paci is gone! 

Thanks ladies, for your help and encouragement.

Our next transition is from a toddler bed to a twin bed!  Gulp!