Hi hun!! Sorry you are having a tough time!!
Ok so I think your lo should be able to handle 1 hr 20 min - 1 hr 30 min A time. Some of your lo's As are too long (1 hr 45 min may be too much for him and that's why he is waking up early from naps). It is very very common to have short naps at this age. Bubs start waking up at the 40 min mark, but by using w2s you can teach them to get through sleep cycles without waking up. (I corrected my pp, so now you can access the link about w2s). Read the link on my pp and try to do w2s for extending your lo's naps.
Also, I saw your routine, and it seems that once your lo has a short nap you had him up for more than 2 hrs!
That's too long after a short nap. Every time you have a short nap, you will have to reduce next A time. So instead of having 1 hr 30 min A, after a short nap you will have something like 1 hr 10 min. Does this make sense?
It looks like your lo's As are too long and that's making him OT and that's why he is having NWs. So try to keep those As as close to 1 hr 20 - 1 hr 30 min as possible. If he has a short nap, then go for 1 hr - 1hr 10 min.
Let me know how things go