My DS2 turned 1 last week and we now have wake-ups of between 6.30 and 7.30 (after a few months of 5/5.30). He sleeps through the night and has done since he was tiny. When he wakes after 7, I find it really hard to fit his 2 naps in, so have given the 1 nap a go a few days. The only problem is, that my darling boy who ALWAYS has to be woken from naps will only sleep 1.5hrs and then is grossly OT and is waking during the night (he has just woken now, less than 2 hrs after going to bed - DH is with him).
If he does 2 naps the day looks like this:
Wake 6.45
Sleep 10.00-10.45 (I wake him)
Sleep 2.15 - 3.45
bed 7/7.15
2.5-3 hrs per day is ideal as he has always needed more sleep than is 'normal'
he tends to sleep 11.5 hrs/nt.
Can someone give me an idea of what I shoudl be doing? What should his A times be at this age?
If he woke at 7.30, would I just nap him short during the day still giving 2 naps?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as it is getting very difficult dealing with an OT 1 yr old and an almost 3 yr old with boundless energy.
Shell x