Just wanted to let other mums out there know that I have a 15 week Spirited baby girl called Quinn, and she is breastfed for day feeds and bottle fed expressed milk for 7pm/DF... She has mild reflux and suffers badly from trapped wind bless her... Until a few days ago she would get quite distressed in the evenings due to having a sore tummy/trapped air... She was hard to settle, and it made me sad as she is so happy and outgoing for the rest of the time! Anyhow, I then went out and got Dr Browns bottle, and some gripe water, and fed her and then put her down in her cot (slightly elevated)and WHAT A DIFFERENCE! She settled herself to sleep like a dream, no gas, no legs up to the stomach. She actually smiled at me from her cot!!! I feel on top of the world, and she is now sleeping through the night!! MIRACLE! Anyhow, just wanted to post this in case it helps anyone out there with a refluxy spirited babe!!