Our 14 mo ds usually wakes between 5.30 and 6.00 and he either chatters away in his cot or has a bit of a whine for about 15 minutes until I can haul myself out of bed! Sometimes I hear him having a bit of a grunt which I assume is him having a poo because when I get him up, 99% of the time he has a dirty nappy.
I just wanted to see if anyone has any thoughts on whether he is waking early because he has had /needs a poo, or whether he is waking early for some other reason and then decides to have a poo! Hope you know what I mean!

A few other bits of info
He is having a nap between 12 and 2 most days – bed at 7.
I don’t give him any fruit in the afternoon as I had read this might cause night-time poos.
He fills his nappy at least 3 other times during the day.
The final point is this morning when I got him up he had a clean nappy...... And he didn’t wake until 7am.......

Any thoughts?