I started SHHH PAT almost 2 weeks ago with good success as far as increasing nap lengths and improving night sleep, but my son has from the first day till now (11 days later) SCREAMED for 15 minutes before falling asleep for his naps. You could set a clock to it! He does not do this at night before falling asleep. He is taking 2 1.5-2 hour naps and a 45-60min catnap and sleeping from 6:30p-4:30a with a DF at 11. He eats again at 4:30 and goes back to sleep for about 2 hours. His activity time is 2 hours but he gets cranky after being up for only 1-1.5 hours. I have tried putting him down earlier and almost to the minute he won't fall asleep until the 2 hour mark. I have tried putting him down later with some success. Could this be undertired and that's why he's crying before naps? I have to go up at 30" and hold his arms so he sleeps through the jerks, otherwise he'll wake up at 45-60min. So, I'm wondering if anyone can give me advice on when the screaming will end, or if he's possibly just not quite ready to go to sleep. He has been increasingly cranky since starting the program and also seem to be starving lately so maybe has a GS? He is 5 months old yesterday. He also has GER and I usually have to nurse him more frequently than every 4 hours b/c he spits up o/w and is even crankier. I experimented with solids (I know, too early) b/c he is 18#, sitting up and can't seem to make it past 4:30 w/o needing to eat. He always takes both breasts and lately has been wanting extra as well but like I said this cold be GS. I'm OK with this schedule as far as feeding at 4:30, but am wondering about the screaming. It's getting a little old going through that 4x/day and I thought I would at least see some improvement by now.
Here is our schedule:
Up at 6:30 -nurse
S 8:30-10:30 (lately needing to eat again before sleep)
E 10:30
E 2/2:30
S 4-4:30 (45-60")
E 5ish
S 6:30-7:30 about 2 hours after last nap I cluster feed right before bedtime
DF 11 p.m.
A/E 4:30, back to sleep until 6:30 a.m.
Thanks for any advice!!!!