We did have the same problem: Dylan was nursed to sleep for all naps, bedtime, and nws. And we were having awful nws, every 45min-1hr at its worst (dylas has eczema, and the itching would wake him up). I found bw when Dylan was about 5mo old (he's almost 8mo now) and I really liked the idea of separating eating and sleeping.
However, the option given in the bw books, pu/pd, wouldn't work for us. Dylan's eczema flares up when he gets upset (or gets hot, or his skin gets irritated, or he has a bath, or you look at him wrong
) so the amount of crying involved made pu/pd inappropriate for us. So I searched and found that thread and decided that GR could work for us. It took awhile, but I don't feed him to sleep for naps or bedtime anymore, although I do still nurse him at nws (which are FAR less frequent now, just once or twice a night, and he eats well so I figure he's hungry). He fussed some at the beginning, but not too much. I went from feeding him to sleep and lying him in his crib dead asleep, to being able to lay him down drowsy but still awake.
This did work for us, but took a few weeks, and will probably take longer to get rid of nws when I'm ready. Pu/pd seems to work much more quickly from what I've read. You may want to pop over to the pu/pd board to see if that's an option for you. I know your time for fixing this is limited! (congrats on your new lo coming soon
If you have any questions let me know and I'll answer them as best I can. There's other threads on gentle removal too in the props board, so you might find more answers there too.
Good luck!!