Ah, welcome to the toddler years. It was such a shock to me when Stan started rejecting all his previous favourites. Couple of things that I found helped... 1) have evening meal earlier, if he is tired, he won't eat. 2) Don't drop snacks - Stan really needs them, if he gets too hungry, he'll be crabby at mealtime and will just throw stuff. 3) Give him a fork and show him how to stab little bits of food and get this to his mouth. Fun! 4) Don't hover watching. Sometimes he eats better if we eat together, but if he's not eating and I'm getting stressy, it's best if I just go and tidy up in the kitchen or something. Usually he'll start playing with his food and eventually shovel some in his mouth. 5) Give him a tiny, tiny, tiny microscopic taste first. He makes a disgusted face at the first taste of everything (except yoghurt), even things I know he really likes. I give him a teeny taste, let him really check out the flavour and texture, don't be in too much of a hurry, then say 'nice hey? want some more?' before giving him any more. 6) (wow this is getting long), give him something that I'm 'fairly' sure he likes at least once per day. That way if he eats a good lunch, I don't mind if he just has half a banana and some hula hoops for supper. 7) Remember that a toddler's appetite takes a big drop. Stan used to eat masses, now he eats much smaller portions than he did as a one year old, but he's still growing, happy, thriving, sleeping... etc.
(((hugs))) nothing makes me sad/angry/frustrated more quickly than food refusal. I think it strikes to the core of a mama's instincts to feed her young.