Your routine looks pretty similar to ours actually. She had 22oz of milk which is about what we manage each day (if you count the milk added to solids) plus if you are still to include the night feed.
Your LO is 5 months so at this age I would say that milk is more important than solids. We also started solids early due to reflux at 5 months but she was on 1 meal for 1 week, 2 meals for about 6 weeks and then I introduced 3rd meal. She was also not drinking her bedtime bottle after dinner which is why I held off longer.
Because your LO is still pretty young, 1 suggestion is to move solids to 30 mins after milk feeds, so she will hopefully take more milk at her next bottle. You say she takes more solids if you wait an hour but I think at this age, milk is still their main source of nutrition. My DD is a BIG girl and we only gave smallish meals until maybe 7 months when I introduced dinner, increased solids and dropped 1 bottle. But up until this point, I made sure she got plenty of milk.
So at your LO's age, DD was doing:
7.30 - 5-7oz
8.00 - porridge with fruit and 1-2 oz milk (maybe 2 tbsp)
11.30 - 4-6oz
12.00 - veg puree (1-2 tbsp)
3.30 - 4-6oz
7.00 - 9oz
We introduced dinner at 4ish after 8 weeks, but made sure this did not interfere with bedtime bottle.
Now DD is 7.5 months and her routine is
7.30 - 5oz
9.00 - Porridge/weetabix with 3oz milk (4/5tbsp)
11.45 - lunch: pasta/meat/veg (4/5tbsp)
2.30 - 7-8oz
4.30 - dinner: pasta/meat/veg (4/5tbsp) + yoghurt or fruit
7.15 - 8-9oz
I would also go with her as a judge of amounts and it sounds like you are doing well at that. As long as she still takes enough milk anyway. If she starts eating too much solids and not drinking milk, I would maybe say to reduce amounts of solids a bit. I would hold off with the 3rd meal until she is more ready. I was really eager to get her on solids and then onto 3 meals, but I have kind of realised that she will go at her own pace a lot easier whcih makes it less stressful for me
Hope that helps