Advise needed please. My BF DS is a big healthy baby but still has dream/night feeds. He takes a full feed around 3am so it can't be just habit surely? I'd like to get him onto a bottle for at least the daytime feeds as he'll be going to nursery in a couple of months.
My 4 hour EASY is the following:
6:30AM Wake up
7:00AM BF then about 8 teaspoons solids
9:15AM Nap 1 - around 1.5hrs
11:00AM BF then about 10 teaspoons solids
1:00PM Nap - around 1.5hrs (if lucky)
3:00PM BF
5.30PM Solids - around 8 teaspoons
6.30 Bath & massage
7.00PM Bed
10:30PM BF
3:00AM BF
He's not a self-soother (next issue to tackle), has never taken to a pacifier and now shouts and 'fights' with me during the night and won't be settled without being fed. Tracy didn't really advise what to do with an alert touchy/textbook baby that doesn't settle in your arms when you try PU/PD.
Part of the problem is that I'm so tired from the day (he's a very active wee fella) and our walls are thin that I feel inhibited by knowing the neighbours can hear him shouting/crying when I try to soothe him without feeding that it's getting me down. I thought that getting him on solids would mean he would cut down his night-time feed but he's a greedy boy and will take all food coming.
I'm going to try to go cold turkey and get him onto taking a bottle and EBF/formula then mix feeding (I've LOVED BF) to see if this works with the night-time issues as I'm aware that I should be stopping his dreamfeed let alone having no night feeds.
If I manage to get him onto a bottle during the day, do you think this will help with the night... I'm aware that I might not be producing enough in the evening and that might be the reason.