DS2 is 12 weeks old and is a great night sleeper. This is totally foreign to me, as DS1 feed 11pm and 3-4am through till 10 mths or more, it is a bit of a blur.
DS2 has only feed 1 x per night since he was 2 weeks old. So here is a sample of our current EASY.
7.30am wake (give reflux meds)
8am E
8.20 A
9am S
11am E
11.20 A
12.30 S
2-2.30pm E
2.20-2.50 A
3.30-4pm S
5pm E
5.20 A
6pm S
6.30pm A (give reflux meds)
7.30 E
8pm bed for night
wakes once anywhere between 2.30am and 4.30am for a feed
He is showing signs of being able to move towards a 3.5-4 hr EASY and also may be able to drop his night feed as he has slept through without a feed a few times. I am not fussed by the night feed, clearly I have it good. But if he can do it, I would like to try to make it happen as I believe the night feed will become habit in time and therefore harder to break.
My thoughts are to wait and do nothing before his 3 mth growth spurt. Then I thought I may try and settle him at night with a dummy at first and if he wakes soon after I will know it is hunger not habit and feed him. He is able to self settle to sleep during the day, but still wakes at the 45min mark most naps and needs me to replug with the dummy and leave him to self settle again. So, if I was to go in and give him a dummy at night it would be something he is familiar with as a message to go back to sleep and I think he would only protest if he was truely hungry. Does this sound like a reasonable plan? Or do you think it is too early to try and just to wait and see?
Also, if I do try this out, is it better to be on the 3 hr EASY, so he is getting more feeds in the daytime, or should I continue to follow his lead in the day, and move towards the 4 hr EASY if it is what he wants. The signs I am noticing is taking smaller feeds at the 3 hr mark and not seeming as interested, but when I have let him go to the 4 hr mark he takes a good feed. That said, today he is doign a classic 3 hr EASY, so he may not be ready. He is 12 weeks and 1 day old.
Any advice, thoughts most appreciated.