Author Topic: Which feed should I eliminate next?  (Read 896 times)

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Offline jcrickbc

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Which feed should I eliminate next?
« on: July 04, 2009, 16:36:55 pm »
Hi there. My LO is 6 months old and apart from the dream feed, I've been exclusively breastfeeding her. I'd now like to replace one other breastfeeding session with another formula feed, but I'm not sure which one is the best one to eliminate  - either the 9:30am or the 1:30pm - so as to ensure my milk supply doesn't dwindle too much. Here's our current feeding schedule:

7:00 (I'm trying to collapse this feed with the 5:30pm feed as I address our early waking issue)

Formula feed - 6 oz - at 10:30pm

My other question is - when I switch a particular feed to formula, do I need to pump at all or will my breasts be able to handle the transition naturally?

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Re: Which feed should I eliminate next?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 17:04:50 pm »
Not a BF expert, but I'd say eliminate the one that makes life most convenient for you. Your body should regulate when it needs and doesn't need to produce milk. About whether or not to pump, that will depend on whether or not you feel engorged and need to relieve some pressure, etc. If you are sore you might want to pump or manually express a little to avoid any blockages, but it shouldn't take too long for them to get used to not feeding at that time.

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Re: Which feed should I eliminate next?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2009, 22:45:21 pm »
Hi there

I 'think' that if you gradually reduce the length of the feed that you want to drop over a few days, your breasts will work with you. I think, but don't know.... For me, all the feeds dropped have happened this way naturally as DS has gradually taken less and less until we've dropped the feed.  The gradual approach should help you steer clear of becoming engorged as you reduce the amount of milk taken gradually.

If you feel that the cluster feed is the right place to start, that makes sense. Especially with the DF tanking up later. And with those 2 feeds so close, it's likely your babe won't be taking a full feed as such. But see what works for you and your babe. A happy content babe, plenty of wet and pooey nappies. Just make sure to watch for those hunger cues so your babe doesn't go hungry!
