I am having the same problem - DD is almost 20 mos old. She is REFUSING her nap - screaming like crazy. It started literally overnight.
Her day was like this:
7:30am - wake
12:30-2:30/3:00 nap
8:00pm - bedtime
Now it is this:
7:00am - wake
12:30 - nap - scream til 1ish
3:00 - wake her
8:00pm bed, plays til 8:30 and goes to sleep
She used to fall asleep for nap and bedtime within a minute - sometimes before I left the room!
UGH. Now she plays at bedtime, screams at naptime. I don't really care that she plays at bedtime, 8pm is late enough, my hubby and I want some time! So if she wants to play, that's fine.
The screaming at naptime is not ok with me. I hate it. WI/WO only makes it worse, so I stay with her for a while, telling her everything is ok, and then leave the room. She SCREAMS for about 5 min, then fusses, screams, fusses, tosses, turns for about a half hour.
Today she was up by 7am, and I put her down around 1pm and she still screamed. She was up for an hour longer than usual. Do I need to move her nap even later? Maybe only 1:30-3? Or is it just a phase that she wants to play? She screams - book, ball, walking, etc, etc after I leave the room.