Hi! Thank you so much! That is all very helpful info.
I'm feeling like I understand more what happens "in theory" with the 2-1 switch. Also, I feel very comfortable with the routine I posted in my pp. What I am still unsure of, is what happens as her current A times shift. The days just get tooooo looong!
I forgot to mention in my pp that she has just started not settling like she used to for bed. It's been about 4 or 5 days now. She was having 3.5hr on a short 40 min nap and falling asleep within 2 secs. Now it's taking her 15-20 mins more to fall asleep for the night....
Here's what happened today:
Wake 6:45
A (4 hr)
S 10:45 - 1:00 (I finally woke her - 2 hr 15min. Like I said, it's hard for me to wake her as I can't believe she's actually sleeping!!!)
A (3hr 20) - was harder than usual for me to get her down for this one. Usually a 3hr A (sometimes even 2 hr 45) I usually APOP a bit, as I let her fall asleep on the bottle, but today we had a bit of a crash landing in the crib and I had to resettle.
S 4:20 - 5:00 (I woke her at 5 bc the day is getting sooo long already)
A - used to be 3.5 hr and worked beautifully. But not working anymore and I just watched her toss and turn for another 20 mins in her crib, bring us to 3hr50min...
S - 8:50
So that's a 14 hr day.
I know it was partially a little mucked by me letting her sleep for so long this am. I wonder how long she would have gone?!? She is teething horribly, poor thing. She's in the process of cutting her 5th tooth in 2 weeks....
I'm feeling like this last A is definately moving from 3.5 to 3.75 hrs. Which would be ok, I guess. But it's just such a late bedtime for me! I love having her in bed by 7:30, but that's for my own selfish reasons!
I'm just wondering, what is the next step? What happens as the As lengthen? I suppose inevitably it means waking her up from a nap. Unless she makes a miraculous jump to 5hr A?
Ah! Sorry for going on and on.... THanks for reading