Hi, Paula. Well, since I posted this, I decided to replace one bottle with a cup of milk and a snack. I did that yesterday and he did alright. He didn't drink much of the milk, but I know he's not going to take to it right away.
He was taking four bottles, three of which were 6 ozs. and one 7 oz. bottle. He drinks about 4 or 5 ozs. and then starts to push it away, but he really fights the 3rd bottle, so that is the one I cut out. However, even with that being gone, he's still not interested in taking more formula from his bottles. I just want to make sure he is getting enough formula/milk. Yesterday, he took about 16 ounces of formula and 1 ounce of milk.
Yes, I think he is teething because he always has his fingers in his ears, which I've heard is a sign of teeth coming in.
I really do want to switch him to a sippy, so we'll stay on this path of switching one bottle at a time until he catches on. My oldest was off bottles at 1, but he was in daycare and the daycare provider pretty much did the switch for me.