Author Topic: 17mo won't go to bed -want to wean but screams - lots of NW - teething- advice??  (Read 661 times)

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Offline dsokos

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I just don't know what to do.  My DD is 17.5 months and will not go to sleep on her own for bed anymore.  Our bedtime routine has become hours long and I have to rock her to sleep (ends up being 9:30 or so before she is asleep) and we have NWs too.  Here's some background - it's long. 

We are remodeling our kitchen/home.  Finishing up now, but the house was chaos for 4 months.  The 1st two weeks of June, she was teething a molar and it's always been very difficult for her. For naps and bedtime I would have to rock her because she was so miserable.  The last two weeks of June, she and I moved out because of the remodeling.  One week at my parents, one week at my in-laws.  She hates sleeping other places i.e. I have to rock her.  Finally came home and it was more of the same - me rocking.  Well, I bribed her into playing with her toys for naps and, one day she fell asleep on her own and now does fine with going to sleep for naps.  (Sometimes it's 1, sometimes it's 2 - I leave it up to her).

Bedtime is another story.  It's horrible for both of us.  Also, through all of this, I am still BFing, but only before bed. Her nights were so erratic (b/c of teething I think) that she was way OT.  So she would take 2 long, good naps - but sometimes not wake until 5pm or so.  She would seem so tired at her normal bedtime, but would take hours to actually fall asleep - all in my lap.  I think the nursing is a huge part of the problem.  It's all for comfort. 

Our bedtime routine is
start dinner between 5:30-6:00
by 6:45 start bath
after bath, then prayers and bedtime story
then nurse
then bed.

Once the story is over, she starts crying and pulling up my shirt.  She can't wait to start to nurse.  She goes back and forth between sides and plays in between.  Back in the good old days, she would nurse and sign to me she was finished and then I would put her in bed and she would go to sleep.  Now I think she would nurse all night if I let her.  I've tried to just let her go as long as she wants, but I can't seem to wait that long!  Every time I ask if she is finished, she goes down to nurse again.  Eventually, I just tell her it's bedtime and put my shirt down (this is probably > 1 hr after she started).  She screams and pitches a fit!  I get up and do our usual last little routine of saying good night to Mr. Sunshine and turning on her lullabies - now during this, she seems to stop crying about nursing, but starts to cry because I put her into bed.  She points to our chair and is crying as I am putting her down. She is going crazy so I pick her up and go over to rock her (sometimes I leave the room before I go pick her up - doesn't seem to make a difference).  She makes no attempts to nurse again.  She just gets into her sleep position(s) and settles down to sleep in 30-40 min or so.  (I think we are completely missing her sleep window - I think she would like to be asleep by 7:30 - back in the good ol' days that was her good bedtime)

She then wakes up 1-2 times at night where I have to rock her back to sleep.  She was waking and staying awake for 1-2 hours with me - not playing or crying at all, just trying to go back to sleep.  But, that part seems to be over.  She goes back to sleep quickly.  I am still in there for 1-2 hours though b/c her sleep seems so fitful.  She flops all over the place and I am afraid to pick her up for fear of waking her.  So, I wait until she is very soundly asleep before I pick her up. 

So, I am very sleep deprived and don't know what to do.  I don't know how much of this is teething or anything.  Am wondering if I should just stop BFing cold turkey and see what happens (I am really ready to be done nursing - not sue she is though).  I'll take any ideas that anyone has. 

She is happy as a clam during the day!

Offline speechie

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Hi- sounds like you've got a lot going on there- between teething, sleeping elsewhere, nursing and rocking to sleep. Let's see if we can sort some of this out-
Can you post her usual schedule- I'm also wondering if her sleep needs are changing- usually about 18 mos...
Post like this:
Nap:12-2, etc etc.

Hugs, it's not easy when you are sleep deprived.

My thought is that you need to choose how to deal with all the issues and then stay consistent. Do you have anyone/DH who can help you with the NWs/sleep training? I've not had to deal with weaning the nursing, but I know some folks have DH deal with all the NWs when weaning to ease the issue.
When I've had a teething babe who wanted to be rocked to sleep- I usually give pain meds at bedtime, then at the first waking if it's been long enough. I rock just till drowsy, then say it's almost bedtime, 20 more seconds, then into bed, and I count it down. your LO is now old enough to understand that and may benefit from a transition time.
Then big hugs, kisses and put LO down drowsy, but not all the way asleep. Use WI/WO or GW as needed for your LO. Stay consistent. Eventually put your child to bed with minimal rocking and awake- to settle themself.
For NWs- I don't rock- just tell my LO it's the middle of the night, lean over the crib to hug/comfort as needed, and repeatedly lay them back down.
I've not nursed since 10 mos, but 1 hour seems like a really LONG time for a 17 mos old to be nursing for comfort? Maybe allow 10 mins, then give a warning that the time is almost up...I'd like to know what others would recommend on that.
Hugs, and hang in there.
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007

Offline dsokos

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Okay, here's a routine.  Wake up times can vary anywhere between 6:30 & 7:30, but the lengths of time really don't change.

7:30 wake up and into bed with us for cuddles
8:00 breakfast
9:45 first nap (can range anywhere from 1 hr to 2 hrs)
11:30ish wakes up
12:30 lunch
2:45-3:00 2nd nap (not cooperating today...she's in there crying right now!)
4:30-5 wakes up
snack right away
6 dinner
6:45 bath and as above. 

I think her sleeps needs are getting ready to change too.  I'm having a difficult time telling what's going on since we are all so sleep deprived.  I think she is waking up from her last nap way too late, so going to bed is difficult.  Then, the next day, she is so tired, she take great naps to catch up.  The following day, hard to sleep during the day.  The cycle continues. 

Doesn't look like there will be a nap this afternoon - so she will fall asleep nursing in the 1st five minutes b/c she will have been awake from 11:30am.  Will sleep for ~45 min wake up and then continue to comfort nurse and the same saga will ensue. 

My DH tries to help with sleep training - but he works really long hours and he needs his rest too.  He can't be consistent with it.  He's also never home at the same time in the evening either - so we can't make a new routine with him involved. 

yes, 1 hr is an eternity for her to be nursing & playing (probably more playing with intermittent nursing)!  I've tried to give her a transition (Mommy's milk is all gone -she smiles and makes the all gone gesture or almost night night time....) but she just looks at me and cries when I put the girls away. 

This training is going to take lots of energy....oh, and we are leaving for vacation on Friday!  She is going to fight all of it - I remember doing it before and it was doable in a couple of days.  Somehow, I think that b/c she is older, she is going to put up a bigger fight for me to rock her.  As soon as I walk in the room, she calms and has her arms up for me. 


Offline speechie

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Hi- I think your observations are correct about the great day sleep and less night sleep and the cyclic nature of things...does seem like she's into the 2-1 nap switch for sure. Any luck with pushing her nap back firmly to noon? Good to try after she's had a decent night and normal waking time.
Hugs for the skipped nap- just a thought, since you are wanting to stop nursing- have you thought about skipping the nursing at bedtime altogether tonight since she's so tired, do the rest of her routine, have a lovely story, then straight to bed? Try to read in the rocker till oh so sleepy and pop her into the crib without a fuss? Just an idea.

For any subsequent wakings- which method would you choose? WI/WO or GW? or a combo- here are some links for you. Hugs, the training DOES take energy. She may put up a fight asking for you to rock her, but if you decide that you are NOT rocking outside of bedtime, then stick to your plan.

Any teething/pain issues? if so, do consider pain meds as you really can't sleep train a kid in pain. Hugs. and hang in there...  :-\  :-*
                Nick spirited angel, born August 2, 2007