Sorry ladies! I got so wrapped up in getting as much reading on troubleshooting done that I forgot to see if anyone had written! So today's schedule was a little off due to last night...argh. He woke up at about 4:00 am and would not go back to sleep, just kept crying and crying for over an hour, so I gave in and took him into bed with me. From there this was our day, much better than it's been minus the night!!
8 am ~ Feed and awake time
9:15 am ~ Started wind down to put down for first nap, cried for 20 min. while doing pu/pd and shoosh patting
9:40 am ~ Asleep
10:20 am ~ Awake screaming, wouldn't go back to sleep, fed and decided to lengthen A time to experiment
12:15 pm ~ Started wind down for 2nd nap, cried for 5 min. while doing pu/pd and shoosh pat
12:25 pm ~ Asleep
2:25 pm ~ Awake but not screaming, fed, guess the longer A time was good!
4:35 pm ~ Was starting to have drowsy eyes in his jumper, laid in his crib, no crying, asleep 10 min. later!!!! hooray!
5:50 pm ~ Awake but not screaming, fed and A time
7:45 pm ~ Started night time routine, bath, baby massage, and in crib by 8:10 pm, asleep at 8:20 pm, no crying, omg!!
Should I stick to the 2 hr A time or perhaps go to 2h 15m or 30m? And at night I try not to nurse him, when he starts acting like he is going to wake, I quickly give him his binky before he wakes, the first time this happens is usually at around 2 am, after that it's about every 1.5 hrs and sometimes he will actually wake up fully. What should I be doing to help him sleep? Is a dreamfeed necessary at some point?